Wednesday, November 24, 2010


According to CNN, the couple who created an online poll to decide the fate of their unborn baby boy has finally publicly declared it was a pro-life stunt.  He told CNN that he wanted to "stimulate conversation about the politically charged subject."  I will say that he probably did accomplish his goal of getting people to talk about the subject of abortion, because the articles I read about their little "project" definitely disturbed me more than I thought they would.

He said that he bought the domain name prior to getting his wife pregnant.  He was, "...mulling the idea 'for some time'."  The couple said they gave the unborn baby the name of Baby Wiggles, " give people more to think about."  Well, they certainly did.  I was surprised that the husband gave a statement as to why.  He said:

 That is an interesting point.  My sister is pregnant right now with her first child and I won't forget how excited she was to finally choose a name for her baby.  You could see a genuine happiness when she would refer to him by his name while inside her stomach.  Such as "Mason and I would love to go get breakfast", or "Today, I felt Mason kick for the first time!"  Let's talk hypothetically.  If for some reason (KNOCK ON WOOD) my sister had a miscarriage, I would feel so strange knowing that Mason did not exist anymore.  Giving a name to an unborn child is recognizing the reality that they are a human being that will be brought into the world once the "oven is done".  

I am relieved to know that this couple was not serious about using a public opinion poll to determine whether they are going to be parents or not.  I do think that they were successful in getting the public's attention, and quite frankly, I feel at ease that an overwhelming majority voted for them to keep the baby.  That should say something about the public opinion.  

How would it feel if you were the deciding vote on whether or not a life is taken away from someone?  It's different when you are responsible for whether someone lives or dies.  That is a MAJOR decision that people are faced with in all types of situations (loved ones in a coma, a sick family pet, etc).  These situations seem to give the decider a more socially accepted context for doing so, rather than when the decider is the pregnant woman. 

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