Sunday, October 24, 2010


Most late night talk show hosts joke about how "dense" Americans are, as well as many other entertainers.  I heard a song by Jadakiss & Anthony Hamilton called "Why" and there is a lyric that goes: 
"...Why they let the Terminator win the election?  Come on, pay attention."
Arnold Schwarzenegger will never be able to leave his Hollywood image behind, so why not move closer to Hollywood and become governor?  The partisan lines are drawn very geographically in California.  The population living next to the ocean makes up the majority of California's liberal state, but inland is where the most conservatism lays. 
In an article titled "Abortion on Demand in California?" Becky Yeh highlights the booming industry of abortion within the state.  Carol Hogan of California Catholic Conference says that abortion is, "an industry in California...individuals in the state can have an abortion whenever and wherever, compliments of taxpayers". 

The California Catholic Conference works to educate voters that "their tax money is paying for abortions".  Hogan believes that not many people know about this.  In 2007, California spent $23 MILLION on 80,000 abortions in MediCal.

I've heard numerously that the only good thing Rod Blagojevich did in Illinois was create the "Illinois Healthy Women" program as a "new effort to deliver family planning services for low income women" in 2004.  By providing family planning services and free contraceptives, this program is designed to "avoid unplanned pregnancies and providing them with reproductive health care".  The program is run by the state's Medicaid agency--the Illinois Department of Public Aid (IDPA).  The federal government "will cover 90 percent of the cost of the family planning services provided under the new program".  

Where do you think the money comes to pay for this?  FROM YOU!  Just like Caleeforneea (*cue Arnold accent), these type of programs are paid for by tax payer money, but yet are so political in nature.  

It shouldn't be a surprise that most citizens don't realize that their tax money is supporting abortion when their principles are against it.  

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