Saturday, December 4, 2010


Marilyn Manson wrote a song called "Get your Gunn" which is said in this article which highlights socially unacceptable music that has become popular because it was black listed, to be about, "Dr. David Gunn, an abortion provider who was murdered by Michael Frederic Griffin in the first ever documented assassination of an abortionist." 

You can see the video here if you want.  You can see in the lyrics where he is talking about the murder that hapened back in 1993.

"Pseudo morals work real well / On the talk shows for the weak / Selective judgment, good guy badges / Don't mean a F$@% to me"

According to this website, one lyric analysis reports that, "this part of the song is about hypocritical activists who blame the wrong people because they don't share the same beliefs."  Manson has always been a 'pushing-the-envelope' type of artist, but this song really captures his creativity.  The song is, "...saying that nobody's a saint, no matter how devoted they are to doing what they thought was right."

Manson calls the murder a hypocrisy because someone who is pro-life took the life of a person--the very thing that they vow to protect.  We hear about these kinds of stories all the time.  I think the pro-lifers that kill people in the name of their cause see themselves as saviors.  Somehow in their twisted mindset, killing someone who kills babies for a living will put a stop to abortion.  It doesn't make perfect sense in our minds, but it does in theirs. 

Friday, December 3, 2010


Take a good look.  These bags are not takeout from your typical Thai restaurant.  They contain aborted fetuses.  
  Can you read that? TWO THOUSAND AND TWO fetuses were found wrapped in the white bags pictured above in a Buddhist morgue inside a temple.  In this article entitled, "MPs to submit draft abortion law; Poll shows 60% shocked about foetuses [sic] found at temple," the author discusses the details of Thailand's proposed abortion laws.  The Democratic Party is in power and is said to have consensus views on legal abortions.  The new law would allow for abortion, but only by, "...setting up an agency to screen the unprepared requesting mother for an abortion.  Applicants must register before receiving an abortion," and pay for it.  

Currently, abortions are only legal if the mother's health is at risk or in cases of rape in Thailand.  The Prime Minister doesn't think that the abortion laws should be changed--they stand to serve as they do. 

A Dusit Poll surveyed a sample size of 1,458 people living in Bangkok (where the fetuses were found) and surrounding provinces on November 18-21st.  The results indicated that 62% said they didn't understand why there are so many abortions.  Approximately 15% reported that the findings of dead fetuses were a sin and illegal.  Alternatively, "nearly half of the respondents--47 per cent-- said it is an individual's right to have an abortion, if the need is shown."  In regards to the proposed amendment to the abortion law, "...65.6 per cent said they agreed for the law to be amended while nearly 22 per cent said they are uncertain and amending the law alone might not be useful, as educating those at risk should be given simultaneously."

In a supplementary article from CNN, the survey was reported to have a 5% margin of error.  From what I recall in lecture, I believe that 3% is most common, but 5% still seems quite low.  I'm no statistical genius, so the extra 2% of margin could be more significant than it seems.  It's just so interesting to see that a variety of societies all over the world experience challenges and obstacles from the topic of abortion.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010


I found this polling report done by CBS which asks a different kind of question than I've seen throughout my research for this class.  It asks:

 The most interesting responses to me are the ones I've boxed.  From this poll, 66% of men reported that they would be willing to take birth control pills, while the poll reports that 54% of women respondents would not believe it.  Contraceptives have always been considered to be a "woman's issue" or a "woman's job" to take care of.  I'm sure most women can agree that it is easier and more comfortable to chose your own method of contraceptive.  But, it just seems that women are responsible for protecting themselves.  If a women ends up pregnant (not by plan), among the first questions asked is:  Why didn't you use protection?

A lot of literature suggests that when it comes to having unprotected sex, men are sometimes in the position of whether or not to trust the girl when she says she is on birth control.  Men can take a form of birth control and thereby share the responsibility of protection.  I fear that if men decide to take birth control then condoms would be old news.  

According to this article (at a silly domain name of "WhatWomenWantFromMen.Com"), M.D. Emily Senay writes in her book that men are, "...more likely to refuse to see a doctor when they get sick.  they are less prone to take preventive steps to stay in good shape."  I've seen this emphasized in another one of my classes this semester.  Men are conditioned to not be sissies.  The article says, "it's that same conditioning all boys get growing up: don't cry, it's not masculine to show that you're in pain, just sweat it out."  So who takes care of them?  Women do!  It's because, "women are natural caretakers...they don't always want to do it but feel compelled to do it."  So, it seems that women will probably have to remind men to take their birth control pill.  Regularly taking birth control pills is not a piece of cake.  For you to reach the utmost certainty of protection, you must take your birth control pill everyday at the same time each day...that's not easy, especially for students with busy schedules and work and play!

I honestly want to know what you all think about male birth control.  Will they really take it?  Will this become more popular than women taking birth control?